Friday, April 26, 2024


I'm filling my car up just like the grown ups do!

I'm going to drive to the country and see a cow 

My car and trailer~ [Starries]  Little + Big Stars Car & Trailer

Comes with~3 sizes for grown ups,toddler size,HUD 

What it does~Turn lights and sounds on/off

Change the plate with the hud

Change the colours with the hud

Wearable and rezzable

Find it~At the Mainstore for The Saturday Sale

My road things~ [Starries] Traffic Guard & Charger Set

Comes with~Electric charging station 

Play traffic light  

Stop and go traffic sign  

Two traffic cone styles


what they do~Whistle is wearable and makes whistle sound on touch

Stop and go sign is wearable

Cones fall down when you bump them

Traffic light changes colours automatically or on touch

Electric charging station-touch to move charging cable,sit for 5 aniamtions,real sounds

Find them~At the mainstore for SL Home Decor Weekend Sale

My dog and firetruck~[Hideaway] Fire Safety Decor Set 

Comes with~3 cardboard fires

Cardboard fireman

Cardboard firetruck

Cardboard Spot fire dog

Cardboard Spot jr fire dog

Fire safety drawing board,light wood and dark wod

My road,buildings and trees~A Dash of Dulce-Cardboard Track Kit

My walls and floor were made for the purpose of this blog


Quack quack

Quack quack imma duckie! It's too cold to play on my boat, so I'll pretend this boat is big! Shown on Toddleedoo   My outfit~ {Sakur...