Welcome to the Space Cafe!
May I take your order?
Shown on Toddleedoo
My outfit~[Little Ollie] Planet Astro-Pastel Pink
Comes with~Shirt and shorts attached
Find it~Thimble-A kid's event
My headband~Baby Burp-Alien Headband
What it does~Hide/Show headband
Fatpack lets you change each piece to mix and match the colours
Find it~Thimble-A kid's event
My coffee things~[Starries] Toddler Coffee Barista Station(
What it does~Change the logos to make it your own
Fits 2 toddlers
Shopkeeper-4 animations
Customer-5 animations
Comes with~Wodden Coffee Barista Station-filled and empty
All the wooden toy food
Tip jar-opened and closed
Credit card reader
Toy Espresso Machine-click for drink
Coffee and Fraps
Wooden toy serving tray-filled and empty
Toy snacks basket-filled and empty
Toy sweets shelf-filled and empty-touch for sweet
Find it~At the mainstore for SL Home Decor Weekend Sale