I went to ballet class today with my brand new outfit :D
Shown on Toddleedoo |
My outfit~Chololo. Pearl Set Cotton Lilac
Comes with~pink onesie,purple onseie
pink tutu,purple tutu
Fits~Lullabeebs infant
Bebe toddler
My leg warmers~{Seams Legit} Lexi Legwarmers
Fits~Lullabeebs infant
Bebe toddler
They are unrigged
Comes in~6 packs of 10 textures
Find them~Daydream event
My socks~{Lula Belle} Bunny Slipper Socks
Fits~Lullabeebs infant
Also comes with unrigged sizes
Comes in~15 colours
Find them~Daydream event